Posts by Category


HACKATHON: Evals November 2023 (2)

Join our hackathon group for the second episode in the Evals November 2023 Hackathon subseries. In this episode, we solidify our goals for the hackathon afte...

HACKATHON: Evals November 2023 (1)

This episode kicks off our first subseries, which will consist of recordings taken during my team’s meetings for the AlignmentJams Evals Hackathon in Novembe...

INTERVIEW: Applications w/ Alice Rigg

Alice Rigg, a mechanistic interpretability researcher from Ottawa, Canada, joins me to discuss their path and the applications process for research/mentorshi...

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MINISODE: Restructure Vol. 2

After getting some advice and reflecting more on my own personal goals, I have decided to shift the direction of the podcast towards accessible content regar...

MINISODE: “LLMs, A Survey”

Take a trip with me through the paper Large Language Models, A Survey, published on February 9th of 2024. All figures and tables mentioned throughout the epi...

MINISODE: Reading a Research Paper

Before I begin with the paper-distillation based minisodes, I figured we would go over best practices for reading research papers. I go through the anatomy o...

MINISODE: Portfolios

I provide my thoughts and recommendations regarding personal professional portfolios.

MINISODE: Starting a Podcast

A summary and reflections on the path I have taken to get this podcast started, including some resources recommendations for others who want to do something ...

MINISODE: Staying Up-to-Date in AI

In this minisode I give some tips for staying up-to-date in the everchanging landscape of AI. I would like to point out that I am constantly iterating on the...

MINISODE: EAG Takeaways (Boston 2023)

This episode is a brief overview of the major takeaways I had from attending EAG Boston 2023, and an update on my plans for the podcast moving forward.

MINISODE: Introduction and Motivation

Welcome to the Into AI Safety podcast! In this episode I provide reasoning for why I am starting this podcast, what I am trying to accomplish with it, and a ...

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INTERVIEW: Applications w/ Alice Rigg

Alice Rigg, a mechanistic interpretability researcher from Ottawa, Canada, joins me to discuss their path and the applications process for research/mentorshi...

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HACKATHON: Evals November 2023 (2)

Join our hackathon group for the second episode in the Evals November 2023 Hackathon subseries. In this episode, we solidify our goals for the hackathon afte...

HACKATHON: Evals November 2023 (1)

This episode kicks off our first subseries, which will consist of recordings taken during my team’s meetings for the AlignmentJams Evals Hackathon in Novembe...

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MINISODE: Reading a Research Paper

Before I begin with the paper-distillation based minisodes, I figured we would go over best practices for reading research papers. I go through the anatomy o...

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Paper review

MINISODE: “LLMs, A Survey”

Take a trip with me through the paper Large Language Models, A Survey, published on February 9th of 2024. All figures and tables mentioned throughout the epi...

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MINISODE: Restructure Vol. 2

After getting some advice and reflecting more on my own personal goals, I have decided to shift the direction of the podcast towards accessible content regar...

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